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Go to Ray of Sunshine: Solar Accounted for 1-in-50 New Jobs

Post: Ray of Sunshine: Solar Accounted for 1-in-50 New Jobs

The National Solar Jobs Census 2016 found that solar industry employment growth outpaced the overall U.S. economy by 17 times, reaching a total of 260,077 U.S. solar workers. The solar workforce grew at the fastest pace since the first National Solar Jobs Census was released in 2010.

Go to Ten Signs in 2016 that Show the Clean Energy Economy is Here to Stay

Post: Ten Signs in 2016 that Show the Clean Energy Economy is Here to Stay

Over the years, Energy Foundation grantees have helped to advance smart energy policies that save consumers money, create jobs, increase energy efficiency, protect our health through cleaner air and water, and curb climate change. While we face challenges in the coming years, major achievements this year in states, cities, and the consumer economy underscore that the transition to clean energy is accelerating and here to stay.

Go to Kelly Sims Gallagher Joins EF Board

Post: Kelly Sims Gallagher Joins EF Board

We are delighted to announced that Kelly Sims Gallagher has joined the Energy Foundation Board of Directors. Kelly’s expertise in China climate and energy policy makes her a valuable addition to our board. Kelly is Professor of Energy and Environmental Policy at The Fletcher School, Tufts University.  She directs the Center for International Environment and … Continued

Go to California Just Raised the Bar on Climate Leadership—Again

Post: California Just Raised the Bar on Climate Leadership—Again

  [Update: On August 31, 2016, Governor Jerry Brown and legislators agreed to invest an additional $900 million in cap-and-trade proceeds to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, bringing the total to date to $3.2 billion. The article has been updated to reflect the change.] When it comes to reducing the risk of climate change and advancing a clean economy, … Continued

Go to Why Improving Fuel Economy for Big Rigs is a Big Deal

Post: Why Improving Fuel Economy for Big Rigs is a Big Deal

Leaders in the trucking industry were among those who recently welcomed new fuel economy standards for big rigs, buses, and other heavy vehicles. The rules will reduce carbon pollution and fuel consumption, among other benefits. Patricia Monahan, the Energy Foundation’s Transportation Program Director, explains why it’s a big deal.

Go to Our op-ed in the SF Chronicle: How do we meet Paris climate goals?

Post: Our op-ed in the SF Chronicle: How do we meet Paris climate goals?

How will the world’s nation’s meet the ambitious targets in last year’s historic Paris climate agreement? Energy Foundation CEO and Co-founder Eric Heitz shared his thoughts in the San Francisco Chronicle as energy ministers from around the world gathered in the Bay Area for the Seventh Clean Energy Ministerial.

Go to Energy Foundation Welcomes Jane L. Breyer as SVP for Strategic Partnerships

Post: Energy Foundation Welcomes Jane L. Breyer as SVP for Strategic Partnerships

The Energy Foundation is delighted to welcome Jane L. Breyer as our new Senior Vice President for Strategic Partnerships. Jane has supported a wide range of philanthropic organizations in achieving their goals by leveraging her extensive networks, leadership experience, and approach to partnerships. She will lead a new team focused on strategic partnerships to bring more resources to the field and accelerate change in the U.S. and China.

Go to Our Annual Report: “Clean Energy Markets: Investments and Innovation Serving the Public Good’

Post: Our Annual Report: “Clean Energy Markets: Investments and Innovation Serving the Public Good’

In the best of American traditions, competitive markets are spurring innovation and delivering big economic and health benefits for all of us. New investments in cutting-edge technologies provide local jobs, reduce electric bills, and clean the air and water—for today’s children and future generations. They also reduce carbon emissions, which will help the U.S. meet and exceed the goals set at the Paris climate talks. Learn more in the Energy Foundation’s Annual Report.