Nick Magrisso guides U.S. Energy Foundation’s campaign strategies to build public support for clean energy and climate policies in the Midwest. Working in the region and in close partnership with campaign experts in both U.S. Energy Foundation’s San Francisco office and other regional offices, he designs and funds strategies that create the diverse coalitions and partnerships needed to meet the ambitious state policy goals in the power, buildings, transportation, and climate sectors.
Prior to this role, Nick was a consultant with Optimal Strategies LLC, a Midwest-based strategic consulting firm that designs, executes, and measures for the toughest challenges facing society and the planet. In that capacity he served for two and a half years as U.S. Energy Foundation’s Illinois State Director. Prior to that, he worked with Civitas Public Affairs Group, a Washington, D.C.-based public affairs firm founded by national leaders in the marriage equality movement. Before that he worked for the Natural Resources Defense Council as the organization’s first statehouse lobbyist in Illinois and supported legislative campaigns across the broader Midwest region.