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Go to Margrethe Kearney

Person: Margrethe Kearney

Margrethe develops and funds policy strategies that will achieve ambitious, equitable, and regionally-aligned policy goals in the power, transportation, climate, industry, and building sectors in the Midwest, a high-potential region for achieving meaningful policy progress. She works with internal and external partners to continually evaluate policies based on emissions-reduction potential, technical and market viability, and … Continued

Go to It’s Electric! Heading Back to School in Style

Post: It’s Electric! Heading Back to School in Style

As children head back to school this fall, some families may notice that their yellow school bus has gotten an upgrade. Electric school buses are rolling onto streets in communities all across the U.S., with over 12,000 electric school buses committed in 38 states, and more to come. With funding from the Infrastructure Investment and … Continued

Go to Heat Pumps: A Path to Health and Climate Benefits

Post: Heat Pumps: A Path to Health and Climate Benefits

Heat waves kill more people in the U.S. than hurricanes, tornados, floods, or any other weather hazard—combined. Heat waves have grown three times as long over the last half century and occur twice as often. If we could see these invisible heat waves, they’d look a whole lot more like heat tsunamis. The good news … Continued

Go to Adriane Frazier

Person: Adriane Frazier

Adriane supports the West team in planning and managing projects and budgets, making and administering grants, and working with advocates and other partners to execute strategies and projects. She manages projects within and outside the team, develops and implements systems and processes to facilitate internal and external collaboration, provides administrative support to the team, and … Continued

Go to Maria Alvarez

Person: Maria Alvarez

Maria manages all finance, budget, audit, and compliance matters throughout the entirety of the organization. This includes financial management, team and systems management, promoting bank and vendor relationships, financial communications, and financial planning and reporting. Maria takes on a cross-functional role between leadership, the Board and Program, Policy, Communications, and Strategic Partnership teams in each … Continued

Go to Briyana Clark

Person: Briyana Clark

Briyana supports the efficiency of grantmaking processes and systems for multiple departments, grantees, and applicants, and provides assistance at multiple stages of the grants lifecycle. As a point of contact and partner to program colleagues, Briyana is familiar with the foundation’s funding areas and best practices in grantmaking, data management, and legal compliance. Prior to … Continued

Go to Reproductive Justice is Climate Justice

Post: Reproductive Justice is Climate Justice

I spend every day at Energy Foundation trying to stop our transportation system from polluting our environment. It is easy to silo my work and think only about what comes out of a tailpipe. But like everyone working on the climate change emergency, separating my work from systemic injustice and assaults on human rights is … Continued

Go to Melissa Monsalve

Person: Melissa Monsalve

Melissa supports the Northeast Office’s internal coordination, maintains the region’s budget, and works closely with other regional offices and headquarters to help enable an organized, efficient, and ambitious team. Melissa focuses on project and budget management as well as grant management on the most complex grants in the region. She also runs weekly team meeting … Continued